Mid-Year Reset: Organize Your Way to a Fresh Start

Mid-Year Reset: Organize Your Way to a Fresh Start

As we reach the midpoint of the year, it’s the perfect time for a mid-year reset and organizing your way to a fresh start. We’re focusing on decluttering and organizing our spaces to breathe new life into our homes and minds. It’s about creating an environment that supports your goals and aspirations for the rest of the year.

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The Importance of a Mid-Year Reset

As we transition from the first half of the year into the second, a mid-year reset serves as an essential checkpoint. It’s a time to reassess our surroundings, declutter, and reorganize. This process is not just about creating a tidy environment; it’s about fostering a space that enhances our well-being and productivity. Here’s why:

Reducing Stress

Clutter can be a significant source of stress. It is a constant reminder of tasks that need to be completed and can make our living spaces feel chaotic and overwhelming. By decluttering and organizing, we can create a more serene environment. A study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that individuals who described their homes as cluttered experienced increased levels of stress and fatigue. By contrast, those who described their homes as restful and restorative reported lower stress levels.

Increasing Productivity

An organized space is conducive to productivity. When our surroundings are cluttered, our ability to focus can be hindered. We spend unnecessary time searching for items, which disrupts our workflow and wastes valuable time. The Harvard Business Review reports that a clean, organized workspace can significantly enhance productivity and motivation. A mid-year reset allows us to streamline our spaces for optimal efficiency.

Psychological Benefits

Taking control of our physical surroundings can have profound psychological benefits. It gives us a sense of control and accomplishment, boosting our self-esteem and motivation. Moreover, the act of decluttering can be therapeutic. It lets us let go of items that no longer serve us and make room for new possibilities. The process can be a metaphor for personal growth and transformation.

A mid-year reset is not just a cleaning spree. It’s a holistic approach to enhancing our quality of life. By decluttering and organizing our spaces, we can reduce stress, increase productivity, and experience significant psychological benefits. It’s a powerful strategy for personal and professional success.

organized minimal modern farmhouse bedroom

Room-by-Room Organization Tips

Organizing your home can seem daunting, but breaking it down room by room can make the process more manageable. Here are some practical tips for decluttering and organizing key areas of your home:


The kitchen is often the heart of the home, and keeping it organized can make meal preparation easier and more enjoyable.


Group similar items together. This could be by function (baking supplies, cooking utensils), by frequency of use (daily use items, occasional use items), or by type (pots and pans, plastic containers).

Use Vertical Space

Pull-Out Pantry: If you have a narrow space in your kitchen, consider installing a pull-out pantry. These can fit in spaces as narrow as between the fridge and the wall and provide a lot of vertical storage space. You can store canned goods, spices, baking ingredients, and more. The pull-out feature allows you to easily see and access everything in the pantry, making it a very efficient use of space. The idea is to use every bit of space you have; vertical spaces often provide a lot of untapped potential. We like this pull-out pantry.

Create a Pantry: Try reimagining your pantry with pull-out drawers. They’re designed to declutter and streamline kitchen storage, making it simpler than ever to locate and access cooking essentials.

Perfect for anyone looking to enhance their kitchen’s efficiency, drawer organizers save time and maximize space, allowing you to rediscover and utilize every inch of your pantry. Kick off your mid-year refresh with this sleek, functional addition to your home, and turn pantry chaos into organized bliss. 

We love these wood, soft, closed drawers.

Clear Counters

Keep counters as clear as possible. Limit the items on your counter to those you use daily. Non-essential items can be stored in cabinets or drawers. Store small appliances in cabinets or pantries when not in use to create a clean, uncluttered workspace.

Living Room

The living room is a communal space that should be comfortable and inviting.


Regularly go through items in your living room and remove anything that is broken, no longer needed, or doesn’t belong in the living room. This will help maintain a clean and organized space.

Storage Solutions

Use furniture with built-in storage, like ottomans or coffee tables with shelves or drawers. This can help keep the room tidy without sacrificing style. Multifunctional furniture can also be a great way to save space.

Cord Management

Use cord organizers or cable management boxes to keep cords from electronics tidy and out of sight. These are great solutions for entertainment centers or areas where many cords converge at a single power source. Also, try cord identifiers, which can help keep your cords organized. They’re small, colored clips or tags that attach to each cord, allowing you to quickly identify which cord belongs to which device.


A peaceful and organized bedroom can contribute to a good night’s sleep.

Closet Organization

Start by removing everything from your closet. With your closet empty, now is a great time to thoroughly clean it. Dust the shelves, wipe down rods and hangers, and vacuum or mop the floor. Next, sort through all the items you removed. Create four piles: keep, donate, sell, and recycle. Be honest with yourself about what you wear and need. Group the items you’re keeping into categories that make sense for you. This could be by type (shirts, pants, dresses), by season (summer, winter), by occasion (work, casual, formal), or by color. This system needs to work for you and you alone, so decide which grouping would be the best fit for your situation. Consider clothing type, closet space, and budget when buying hangers. For a cohesive look, choose hangers of the same type and color. We like these slim, non-slip clothes hangers.

Under-Bed Storage

Use under-bed storage for items not needed daily, such as seasonal clothes or additional bedding. Drawers on wheels, or rolling drawers, are an excellent choice for storing items like footwear or out-of-season clothes, as they can easily slide in and out from under the bed. Vacuum-sealed bags offer another under-bed storage solution, as they can compress items, making them more convenient to store.

Dresser Drawer Organization

Begin drawer organization by emptying and cleaning them for a fresh start. Sort items into keep, donate, sell, or recycle piles. Use drawer organizers and dividers to maintain neatness and prevent jumbling. Choose folding methods like file folding or rolling to maximize space.

Home Office

A well-organized home office can increase productivity and reduce stress.

Paper Management

For efficient paper management, categorize documents into main categories and then sub-categories. Use color coding for easy identification and label each file clearly. Organize these in a filing system arranged alphabetically. Regular upkeep, including prompt filing of new documents and removal of outdated ones, ensures an efficient, stress-free system.

Desk Organization

To create an optimal workspace, maintain a clear desk surface and use organizers for supplies and cord management. Designate zones for different tasks and utilize wall space for extra storage if needed. Regular cleaning prevents clutter, while personal touches like photos or plants make the space enjoyable. The aim is to create a workspace that is functional, inspiring, and tailored to your workflow.

Digital Decluttering

To streamline your digital workspace, uninstall unused programs, manage emails by deleting non-essentials and unsubscribing from unwanted mail, and clear old files by moving inactive ones to external or cloud storage. Keep your desktop and smartphone organized by managing program icons and deleting unnecessary photos and apps. Regular digital decluttering can boost productivity and improve your digital experience.

If you change nothing nothing will change quote

Setting Goals and Creating New Habits

Organizing your home is not a one-time event but a continuous process that requires setting realistic goals and creating new habits. Here’s how you can approach it:

Setting Realistic Goals

When it comes to organizing, it’s important to set achievable goals. Trying to tackle everything at once can be overwhelming and may lead to burnout. Instead, break down the task into smaller, manageable goals. For example, instead of aiming to organize the entire house in a weekend, focus on one room or drawer at a time. Celebrate each small victory to keep your momentum going.

Creating New Habits

Maintaining an organized home requires developing new habits. Here are a few to consider:

One In, One Out Rule

For every new item you bring into your home, let go of another. This helps to prevent clutter from accumulating.

Daily Tidy-Up

Spend 15 minutes each day tidying up. This could involve putting things back in their designated places, doing a quick sweep, or clearing off countertops.

Regular Decluttering

Schedule regular decluttering sessions, whether once a week, once a month, or once a season. Consistency is key to maintaining an organized home.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Like a car, your home requires regular maintenance to stay in good shape. This involves not only cleaning but also decluttering and organizing. Routine maintenance prevents tasks from piling up and becoming overwhelming. It also helps to keep your home looking its best.

Staying Motivated

Staying motivated can be challenging, especially when the novelty of a new project wears off. Here are some tips to keep your motivation high:

Visualize the Outcome

Keep a clear image in your mind of how you want your space to look. This can serve as a powerful motivator.

Make it Enjoyable

Listen to music, audiobooks, or podcasts while you work to make the process more enjoyable.

Get Support

Enlist a friend or family member to help, or consider hiring a professional organizer. Having support can make the process more fun and less overwhelming.

Organizing is a journey, not a destination. It’s about making continuous improvements and adjustments to create a home that supports your lifestyle and goals. By setting realistic goals, creating new habits, maintaining your space, and staying motivated, you can enjoy the benefits of an organized home.

organized desktop computer true assisting website

Tools and Resources for a Successful Reset

Having the right tools and resources can make the process of organizing and decluttering much easier and more efficient. Here are some of our favorites:


There are numerous apps available that can assist with organization. Some popular ones include:


HomeZada is a digital platform for homeowners to manage financial aspects, inventory for insurance, maintenance schedules, and remodeling projects of their homes. It prioritizes user data security and offers a comprehensive solution for organized and efficient home management.


Evernote is a note-taking app that helps users organize ideas, projects, and tasks. It syncs notes across devices, supports multimedia additions to notes, and integrates tasks and schedules. It also offers robust search capabilities for easy retrieval of information. A free trial is available for new users.


Todoist is a versatile task management app that supports task creation, prioritization, reminders, and team collaboration. It integrates with various other services and is available across multiple platforms. It offers both free and premium versions.

True Assisting

Our website, True Assisting, offers a wealth of information on organizing and productivity. Here, you’ll find practical strategies to maintain your newly organized pantry, the pros and cons of decanting, creating a home maintenance schedule, and advice on organizing life documents.

Productivity Books

We have a selection of books available on our website that can provide further guidance on organizing and productivity. You can find our organizing and productivity books here.

Organizing Products

We also offer a range of storage and organization products in our shop. These include airtight storage containers, drawer organizers, and cord organizers. You can browse our storage and organization products here.

decluttered closet box full of donation clothes

Resources for Donating or Selling Unwanted Items:

When decluttering, you’ll find items you no longer need or want. Here are some resources for donating or selling these items:

Goodwill or Salvation Army

These organizations accept a wide range of items and often offer pick-up services for large donations.

eBay or Craigslist

These platforms allow you to sell items to local buyers.

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is a great place to sell items locally. You can list items for sale and arrange for pick-up or delivery.


Freecycle is a network of people giving away free stuff in their local community. It’s a great way to eliminate items while helping others in your area.

The key to successful organizing is to find systems and tools that work for you. By utilizing these resources, you can make the process of decluttering and organizing more manageable and enjoyable.

Embrace the process of organizing and decluttering. It’s not about achieving perfectionmaking small, consistent changes that add up to a big difference. By resetting in the middle of the year, you’re setting yourself up for success in the months to come.

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