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Top Summer Reads for Seniors: Print and Digital

Summer is the time to delve into a new hobby or interest. If you’re looking for something that can sharpen your mind, offer relaxation, and bring joy, consider diving into the world of reading! This blog will jumpstart your summer reading list by recommending books suited to your preferences and reading style, helping you uncover your next read! Disclosure: This …

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Woman in a pantsuit holding her phone out to take a picture of her dining room for a home inventory.
Organizing & Productivity

HomeZada’s AI Home Inventory: A Game Changer

What comes to your mind when you think of a home inventory? Maybe thoughts like “That’s a lot of work” or “Do I really need one?” came to mind. In honor of Homeownership Month, we are discussing home inventories, what you should know, and how new technology can make creating one easier than you think.  Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate …

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senior woman looking out the window
Seniors & Caregiving

6 FAQs: Mental Health Challenges in Aging Answered

Our mental health significantly impacts our well-being. As we age, we can face mental health challenges, and so can our loved ones. To commemorate Mental Health Awareness Month, this blog will dive into the challenges of maintaining our mental health as we age.  What are the risk factors that contribute to mental health challenges in aging adults? Just like any …

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Two people looking at something on a laptop, while pointing at the screen and scrolling on the mousepad.
Personal Finance

Clean Up Your Finances This Spring

Spring is a season for fresh starts, including for your finances. April is Financial Capability Month and the perfect time to spring clean your finances to achieve your goals. This blog shares a checklist to simplify tweaking your budget to help you reach your financial goals.  Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission …

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Personal Finance

Daily Money Manager: Your Path to Financial Well-being

It’s no secret that humans have more on their plates than ever before. We are busier than any other generation, and our finances are more complex. This leaves many feeling like managing their finances is too daunting and time-consuming. So, what is the solution to this problem of being overwhelmed by managing personal finances? Keep reading to learn about Daily …

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Seniors & Caregiving

Transforming Caregiving with ClickUp

Transforming Caregiving with ClickUp: Enhanced Organization and Efficiency In the constantly changing world of caregiving, where personal, professional, and caregiving responsibilities often overlap, being organized isn’t just nice to have; it’s a must-have. ClickUp, a versatile productivity tool, stands out as a key resource in managing these complexities. ClickUp can simplify caregiving tasks, turning what often feels like chaos into …

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Technology for Time Management – A Gateway to Simplified Living

In our fast-moving world, where time is invaluable, embracing technology for time management has become a cornerstone for those seeking to streamline their daily lives. Whether you’re navigating the golden years or balancing a hectic schedule, the power of technology in boosting efficiency and gifting us extra hours is undeniable. We’ll delve into how technology revolutionizes our daily routines and …

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financial life goals
Personal Finance

Building a Financial Calendar: Money Management Guide Part 2

Building a Financial Calendar for Money Management Welcome back to Part 2 of our journey into mastering financial organization with a timeless financial calendar. In Part 1, we examined what a financial calendar for money management is and its crucial components. Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and walk through the practical steps of creating your own financial calendar, a …

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We’ll prioritize your schedule using the 80/20 Principle, so you can spend your time focusing on the essential things in your life.