Round Up

Caring for Caregivers Blog Round-Up

Since 1997, when then-president Bill Clinton signed the first proclamation, November has been National Family Caregivers Month. The purpose is to honor and recognize these unsung heroes.  Family caregivers often go unseen but give a lot. They are frequently juggling the needs of both aging parents and children of their own, as well as careers and spouses. There is a lot of emotional stress and little to no pay for people taking on this responsibility.  No matter how loving…

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Reading for All Ages with Book Recommendations

  • Post category:Round Up
  • Post last modified:March 13, 2024

The reading habit has many benefits and is enjoyable for everyone. Each age group gleans something different and has different types of books they’re likely to enjoy. Keep reading to find yours! Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that we have recommended. This commission comes at no additional cost to you, but will help us keep this site up and running and ad-free!…

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13 Awesome Benefits of Reading Daily

  • Post category:Round Up
  • Post last modified:July 18, 2024

May is National Get Caught Reading Month! Whether you’re a book lover or a sometimes reader, this is the perfect time to pick up a new book. For even more great reasons, check out this list of benefits of reading daily. 13 Awesome Benefits of Reading Daily 1. Stress Reduction First, a good book transports you to another world, away from the stress of daily living. A 2009 study by the University of Sussex found that reading for six…

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Benefits of Staying Home

  • Post category:Round Up
  • Post last modified:December 1, 2023

Being stuck at home is tough for many people. We’re so used to meeting in person, driving to/from work, dining out, etc., that it can feel like there’s nothing to do. In fact, there are a lot of free, fun things you can do right from your own home. In some cases, you might even make new friends! Here are some of our favorites based on interests. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive…

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Our 5 Most Read Blogs of 2019

  • Post category:Round Up
  • Post last modified:February 21, 2024

It’s hard to believe how quickly this year and this decade went. Looking back, we’ve shared a lot of advice about everything from time management, productivity, and mindset to technology and pets. We’re sure it’s been a lot to take in, so we’re offering you another look at our five most-read blogs. Time Management, Productivity, Mindset Getting and staying organized in every aspect of your life can feel overwhelming. In our most popular post, we offer resources for general…

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