Caring for Caregivers Blog Round-Up

Caring for Caregivers Blog Round-Up

Since 1997, when then-president Bill Clinton signed the first proclamation, November has been National Family Caregivers Month. The purpose is to honor and recognize these unsung heroes. 

Family caregivers often go unseen but give a lot. They are frequently juggling the needs of both aging parents and children of their own, as well as careers and spouses. There is a lot of emotional stress and little to no pay for people taking on this responsibility. 

No matter how loving and committed they are to being a family caregiver, everyone needs a break and help sometimes. At True Assisting, we’ve focused on different ways to help provide support and relief for family caregivers. In this post, we’re reviewing them and renewing that focus as part of National Family Caregivers Month.

Mom working on laptop with baby

Juggling Responsibilities

Family caregivers are sometimes called the Sandwich Generation because they’re in the middle – caring for both aging parents and children. This is often on top of career responsibilities. Depending on where the parents live and the age of the children, this can get complicated! Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to help ease the burden

Caregiver Burnout

With so many responsibilities, it’s understandable that caregivers get burned out. Sadly, many caregivers neglect their own needs and often feel guilty about taking time for themselves. Coupled with sometimes unrealistic demands and ever-changing needs, being a family caregiver can be stressful to navigate. However, having clear boundaries and taking other steps can help prevent caregiver burnout.

Caregiver Overwhelm

Even if you’re not burned out yet, being a caregiver can be an overwhelming responsibility, particularly if you don’t have others around to help support you. Thankfully, the internet can help connect you to both online communities and local resources where you can get support. See some of the best ones.

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Celebrating Caregivers During the Holidays

The holiday season is fast approaching! If you’ve got a family caregiver to shop for, now is the time to start thinking about how to honor them during the holidays. They work hard all year and deserve to feel extra special. We’ve got some suggestions to help you get started!

If you’re a family caregiver or know someone who is, we’d love to hear about other ways to help support you during this National Family Caregivers Month.

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