Budgeting Apps to Simplify Your Life

For many people, budgeting can be tedious and stressful. It seems easier to avoid it – and in the short term, it may be. But you know that long-term you need to have a budget. Thankfully, it's a lot easier to create a budget with the help of some great apps. No more tearing your hair out in front of an Excel spreadsheet – try one of these specialty apps instead. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which…

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Get Ready to Simplify Your Life

​Life gets crazy sometimes. Between work, family, and other responsibilities, it can feel overwhelming to get through the day. Lucky for you, National Simplify Your Life Week is coming! While there’s no one right way to clear space in your schedule, there are some common things everyone can think about trying. The first week in August is a great time to implement some of these changes. No is Not a Bad Word Are you the person that’s always asked…

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Get Organized for Your Health

Raise your hand if something related to health and well-being is on your goals list for this year. Keep it up if some part of you is afraid you won't make those goals because you're not sure how to fit them into your life or what to do. Make it easier on yourself – go through this checklist first. Get Your Health Organized Decide Where You'll Go Do you want to work out at home? At a gym? Outside?…

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