Today is America Recycles Day

Today is America Recycles Day
  • Post category:Cleaning
  • Post last modified:March 21, 2024

November 15 is more than just a mere 40 days before Christmas; it’s also America Recycles Day. It’s great timing for this as it’s the perfect opportunity to clean out clutter while saving the environment – all just in time to have room for those new Christmas presents. Get involved! The planet needs all the help we can give it. Here are a few things you can do to support America Recycles Day.

Take the Pledge

You, your family, and your friends can all show support by pledging to recycle more. It’s easy! Swing by the website and fill out a quick form. Be sure to share on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets, so your vast network of friends and acquaintances know to sign up too.

Learn About Recycling

Everyone from kids through adults has access to age-appropriate information about recycling thanks to the internet. Take some time learning what can and cannot be recycling and why. Learn what other countries recycle and how recycled items are used to create new products. The EPA and your local government websites are great places to start. Also, look at sites devoted to metal, paper, glass, plastic, battery, and steel industries as these are all products that can be recycled.

Tackling Spring Cleaning This Year


Collect Recyclables

Both in your home and out of it, there are many items you can collect for recycling. Take a walk through your neighborhood and pick up cans, bottles, etc. By working with your neighbors, you can improve the cleanliness of the area and help the environment at the same time.

Make Recycling a Habit

Today is devoted to recycling, and it’s a great start! But learning about recycling and spending one day a year on it isn’t enough. Instead, make it a part of your daily life – starting today. Set up separate trash cans in your home – one for things that cannot be recycled and one for things that can. As you see how much you’re still throwing away, think about what else you can do to reduce the garbage.

Declutter and Donate

Other Recycling Tips and Suggestions

  • Bring your own bags to the grocery store or other shopping excursions
  • Many grocery stores now have bins to recycle plastic bags – use them
  • Ask your local government to make recycling a part of curbside pickup, if it isn’t already
  • In Southern NH, take your electronics to Reliable Asset Recovery
  • Outside of that area, find the best place to take your electronics for proper disposal

Starting today, you can make a difference with recycling. For more tips like this, sign up for my newsletter.

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