Level Up Your Decluttering

Decluttering your home feels great! The space is refreshed and open. It’s like it has a new life. But if the stuff you take out of your home simply winds up in your garage or storage space because you had no idea what to do with it, that’s not completely helpful either. Instead, try these proven methods to get rid of your stuff – for good! Sell It – Locally Selling locally saves you the cost of packaging and…

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Alternatives to Yardsales

You’ve done it. You’ve finished your spring cleaning and made piles of clothes, toys, and household items you no longer need. You can donate or sell most of these items, but a traditional yard sale or garage sale feels like too much work. And driving things around to consignment shops or Goodwill is more than you want to take on – you’re too busy shuffling the kids from one summer activity to the next. Thanks to modern technology, there…

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Get Organized for Your Health

Raise your hand if something related to health and well-being is on your goals list for this year. Keep it up if some part of you is afraid you won't make those goals because you're not sure how to fit them into your life or what to do. Make it easier on yourself – go through this checklist first. Get Your Health Organized Decide Where You'll Go Do you want to work out at home? At a gym? Outside?…

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