Start the Year Off Organized

Start the Year Off Organized

Since 1991 the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO) used January to help get organized for the entire year. Initially, it was celebrated as a week-long event, and in 2005 it became National Get Organized Month. In 2017, recognizing the connection between productivity and organization, the name was changed to Get Organized & Be Productive (GO) Month.

As a NAPO member, we’re here to help you get organized all year long. Take a look at some of our most popular organization tips for your home and office.

Home Organization

Once the cold and snow set in, it’s a great time to declutter your house. Often, this means people wind up with a pile of stuff in the garage to sell at a yard sale in the spring. Only spring comes, and the yard sale doesn’t happen. Here are some other options for you.

When you start organizing your space, it might feel overwhelming at first. We’ve got seven steps for you to follow to keep the chaos at bay.

There’s nothing like a home-cooked meal when you can find your favorite recipes, of course! With these great organization tips, you won’t have to spend hours searching cookbooks and recipe cards with Nana’s handwriting.

Office Organization

What does your current workspace look like? Can you easily find everything you need, or do you frequently find yourself searching through piles? Follow our handy checklist to make your workspace tidy and efficient.

Having an organized space is only half the battle. Especially when you’re an entrepreneur, master your time management in 2019 to have your most successful year yet.

Digital Organization

When was the last time you went through your digital files? If you’re like most people, the answer is never. If you can still find everything quickly and you’re not having storage problems, that may be okay. But if you spend way too long searching for things or you keep upgrading your storage space, it might be time to organize your digital clutter.

The right apps can make a huge difference in keeping your life – online and off – running smoothly. Check out our favorites.

One final note, whatever space you’re organizing, knowing what to keep is just as important as knowing what to toss. Check out our blog; be sure you know the difference.

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