Make the Most of Your Amazon Echo This Holiday Season

Make the Most of Your Amazon Echo This Holiday Season
  • Post category:Technology
  • Post last modified:June 1, 2023

The Amazon Echo makes a great gift! Your loved ones will be thrilled with how easy it is to set up and impressed with how Alexa helps them stay organized. However, to ensure you and your family get the most use out of Amazon Echo, it’s important to set it up in an ideal place.

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Where Not to Put Your Amazon Echo

First, let’s look at some places to avoid.

Near Windows

This is a security issue. For example, if an Echo speaker is too close to a window, intruders may be able to access it outside your house. This may compromise your personal information and enable them to access other connected devices in your home.

Near Toilet, Tub, or Sink

Electricity and water are never a good idea. Also, there are a lot of germs near a toilet, no matter how clean you are. If you’d like Alexa joining you in the bathroom or kitchen, keep your speaker well away from water and food splatters. Using hooks or finding a safe corner on the counter is much better.

Under Your TV

One of the best features of the Echo is that it’s voice-activated. Say “Alexa…” and she does that thing for you. But if your speaker is under your TV and the voice on TV says anything remotely close to Alexa, guess what will happen? Yup! Your Echo speaker will wake up and try to follow a command. This may be hilarious, but it likely won’t be beneficial.

Amazon Echo wood shelf with plant

Best Places to Put Your Amazon Echo

  • In the corner of your living room, away from windows
  • Within your eye site so you’ll see it when the light ring lights up
  • On your bedside table
  • On the edge of your kitchen counter, far away from the sink and stove
  • On the mantle or a high shelf
  • Mounted on a wall that does not face a window

Alexa is Ready. Are You?

Share these tips with your loved ones when you give them an Echo this year. They’ll love the gift and get more use out of it!

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