8 Easy Ways to Get Organized in the New Year

8 Easy Ways to Get Organized in the New Year

Ready to conquer the chaos and start the New Year off on an organized note? Keep reading for 8 simple ways to say goodbye to holiday clutter and hello to a streamlined life in January!

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Why January is the Perfect Time to Organize Your Life

With the start of a new year, there is a sense of freshness and newfound motivation to make positive changes. Committing to organization in January sets the tone for the rest of the year by letting go of items that no longer serve you, creating lasting organization systems to reduce stress, and enjoy a boost of productivity.

New year, new you!

So, don’t wait any longer – embrace the power of January and start organizing with these 8 steps!

How to create a fresh start in the New Year

Properly stow holiday items

There is nothing worse than lingering clutter from the holidays. Get your decor stored and ready for next year while making room for the new systems that will serve you this year.

    • Purchase plastic bins/tubs
    • Label each with the contents and a “used up” list
      • This could include items like gift boxes, candles, and string lights.
    • Shop post-holiday sales to replace “used-up” items and save money

A clear container holding various Christmas ornaments and a Christmas wreath.

Set up your workspace

Boost productivity by creating a workspace free of clutter and unused items.

    • Add dividers to desk drawers
    • Use bookends or desktop bins to organize paperwork and books
    • Store files digitally when possible
    • Trash or shred old files

Sick of getting junk mail that crowds your workspace? Paper Karma can help!

Optimize your living space

The areas of your home that you use every day can be optimized so that they are serving you and not burdening you. Making things easy to find and simplifying the items in your living spaces can contribute to lower stress levels while saving you time in the long run.

    • Use dividers or small storage bins to take the mess out of your junk drawer
    • Purchase decorative boxes to store items littering your coffee table, such as remotes, pens, pencils, or other small items
    • Digitalize entertainment by storing music, movies, and books on electronic devices to reduce the need for physical storage
    • Properly remove items taking up space in your garage, such as paint cans and old appliances.

Drawer containing a drawer organizer to keep office supplies in their proper place such as hole punchers, tape, pens, pencils, and paper clips.

Create a sustainable cleaning schedule

Maintaining an organized home requires consistency. Having cleaning routines ensures a tidy living space and streamlines your household chores.

    • Daily routines: Chores such as making the bed, wiping counters, and doing dishes to ensure your home’s frequently used areas are well maintained.
    • Weekly routines: This could include things like laundry, mopping the floors, dusting, etc.
    • Monthly routines: Deeper cleaning, like washing windows, wiping down refrigerator shelves, and cleaning under heavy furniture.

Prepare for spring cleaning

Breathe new life into your home with spring cleaning to welcome in the new season.

    • Create a checklist of the areas and tasks you want to tackle during your spring cleaning
    • Declutter each area to make deep cleaning more efficient
    • Locate a rug shampooing machine or professional cleaning company
    • Decide how you will move sofas, beds, and other heavy furniture

Bright colored cleaning supplies including sponges, yellow gloves, flowers, and a basket holding various spray bottles.

Plan for the future

Having a plan for the future offers peace of mind and allows us to be more present in our day-to-day lives.

    • Create a plan to stay active and healthy to promote overall well-being
    • Make a list of larger maintenance items needing attention this year and a plan to address them (scheduled car maintenance, routine household maintenance like cleaning out gutters)
    • Set up recurring events on your calendar, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates

Get your finances in order

Financial planning isn’t just about money; it’s about creating a future where you can live life on your terms with the peace of mind that financial stability brings.

    • Meet with your financial planner, or find one if you don’t have one yet
    • Review your finances and create a budget to meet your financial needs and goals for the year
    • Set up recurring payments for monthly bills such as rent/mortgage and utilities
    • Set up auto-transfers to saving plans (pay yourself first – it’s the best way to reach financial goals.)

Read: Organize Your Workspace

Person using a calculator and writing in notebook on a desk.

Take care of your family

Keeping this information up-to-date and accessible is the key here. Consider choosing a trusted family member to go through this step with you so that they know where to access this vital information.

    • Consider making a will
    • Check that insurance policies are up to date and match your current lifestyle
    • Document passwords for your important accounts (email and other online accounts, phone passcode, insurance verification questions and answers, banking information, utility and service provider information)
    • Work with your family to create an emergency plan in case of fire, natural disaster, health emergencies, etc.

There you have it – 8 ways to start the New Year on the right foot.

Happy organizing and a wonderful New Year to you!

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