Celebrating Mother’s Day

Celebrating Mother’s Day
  • Post category:Shopping
  • Post last modified:March 19, 2024

Voice-assisted devices seem to be able to help with just about everything these days. And that’s no different with Mother’s Day. Amazon’s Alexa has several ways to help make your mom feel special this year.

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1. Show Some Love

If you’ve ever built a custom blueprint or skill on Alexa, you know it’s pretty simple. But did you know there are some specifically for Moms on Mother’s Day? Check out “Mom’s Story” to create a personalized story and “World’s Best Mom” to shower her with compliments. There’s also YoMamaJokes, but maybe save that skill for another day.

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2. Don’t Forget to Call Your Mother

We get it. Life is busy, even on Sundays. Use Alexa to nag you in true mom fashion, so you don’t forget to call your mother. You can do the same thing to remind yourself when to leave, so you’re not late for any lunch or dinner plans with Mom. And if you both have an Echo Show, you can make that call a video chat!

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3. Order Gifts and Flowers

Scouring stores for the perfect gift may not fit into your schedule. Instead, you can use Alexa to search for gifts and flowers and have the right one sent directly to Mom. It’s also a great time to shop locally! Support locally-made products while getting that perfect gift. Win-Win!

4. Offer a Home Cooked Meal

Okay, so Alexa won’t actually do the cooking, but she can help you find the right recipes. If sharing a home-cooked meal with your mom brings back great childhood memories, why not make one for her this Mother’s Day?

To all our Mom readers, Happy Mother’s Day! And to all our readers with moms, don’t forget to treat them special on Mother’s Day this year!

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