Recipe Apps to Make Meal Planning Easier

Recipe Apps to Make Meal Planning Easier

Think about the last time you had a great recipe you wanted to make. How long did it take you to find it? If you’re like many people who collect recipes from various places, it may have taken longer to find the recipe than it did to prepare the meal. Thankfully, there are a variety of recipe apps that can simplify that process. Even better, you can use them to organize recipes from cookbooks, magazines, and online sources that help to make meal planning easier.

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This is similar to Pinterest but more dynamic for foodies. With Paprika, you can save recipes from any online source and use the app to create shopping lists and meal plans. And for those more complicated recipes, there’s a feature that allows you to cross off each step as you complete it.

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Most recipe apps require you to manually enter recipes from offline sources like books or magazines – even that handwritten recipe card for Grandma’s Famous Cookies. However, OrganizEat has a different solution. Take a photo of the mouthwatering recipe with your phone, and the app will store it alongside your online recipes. It also features tools to track ingredients and automate grocery lists.

Eat Your Books

How many cookbooks do you own? And how much time do you spend trying to remember which one has that veggie lasagna recipe your son’s fiancé loves? Stop wasting time searching through them and use Eat Your Books to organize it all instead. It’s an online, searchable bookshelf that quickly directs you to the right book in your collection.

Let’s not forget Alexa. A couple of Alexa skills enable you to save recipes and cook along with your favorite chefs (who doesn’t love the Food Network?), and she’ll order the ingredients and ship them to you!

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New Recipes

Yummly is a recipe discovery and food app that allows users to search for and save recipes, generate grocery lists, and receive personalized recipe recommendations based on their dietary preferences and ingredients on hand. It has a large collection of recipes, including those from top food bloggers and publications.

Cookpad is a popular recipe app that provides a platform for users to search, share and discover new recipes. The app offers an extensive collection of recipes that cater to different tastes and dietary requirements, as well as tools such as meal planning and shopping lists. Users can also connect with a community of fellow food enthusiasts to exchange recipes, cooking tips, and meal ideas.

A well-organized recipe collection means you can spend more time with your loved ones and less time stressing about planning a meal for them. What’s not to love about that?!

Are you looking for something more? Check out our Life Planner – Using a planner to keep track of recipes can be an effective way to organize your cooking and meal planning. You can write down recipes, ingredients, cooking times, and any other relevant information. This can help you easily track what you have already tried and what you still want to try. It can also help you plan your meals for the week, ensuring that you have all the ingredients on hand and allowing you to spend less time figuring out what to make for dinner. Additionally, a planner can be a great place to jot down notes about how you changed a recipe or what worked and what didn’t.

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