Organizing & Productivity

Manage Your Time with Awesome Apps

Freelancers and solopreneurs paid hourly are responsible not only for delivering great products and services but also for tracking their own time. No manager is double-checking, and no payroll department is calculating their paychecks. Therefore, finding an easy, efficient way to track time is critical to being productive and billing correctly. Thankfully, there are time management apps that make this process much more manageable. Productivity Challenge Timer If you love breaks and thrive on the Pomodoro time management system,…

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7 Ways to Maximize Your Productivity

How often do you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? If you’re like most busy professionals, probably more often than you’d like to admit. Lucky for you, there are some things you can do to get more done in less time and have more time to spend with those you love. Track Your Time For one week, write down everything you do. This includes scrolling through your social media feeds and bathroom breaks. It may seem…

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Take Control of Your Time this Year

Maybe you already know this, but it turns out, many of those “time saving” innovations, like email and smartphones, are actually creating a culture where everything feels like a priority all the time. In today’s society, it can be easy to lose control over your time, feel completely stressed out and miserable as a result, and feel powerless to do anything about it. Here’s the good news – YOU can take back control of your time. Here’s how. Remember…

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January is Time to Get Organized!

  Why January and not some other month of the year? Well, first, it’s the start of the year, so getting organized in January sets you up to create new organizational habits and nurture them throughout the year. Also, the National Association of Productivity & Organization Professionals (NAPO) has declared January National Get Organized Month. As a proud NAPO member, I’m excited to share my favorite blogs about organizing your time, digital space, and physical space to help you…

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Organization Apps for Daily Living

At True Assisting, we're all about getting organized, staying organized, and optimizing time. If those sound like things you want in your life in the coming year, these organization apps for daily living are a great place to start. Some of them we regularly use ourselves! Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something we have recommended. This commission comes at no additional cost to…

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