Manage Your Time with Awesome Apps

Manage Your Time with Awesome Apps

Freelancers and solopreneurs paid hourly are responsible not only for delivering great products and services but also for tracking their own time. No manager is double-checking, and no payroll department is calculating their paychecks. Therefore, finding an easy, efficient way to track time is critical to being productive and billing correctly. Thankfully, there are time management apps that make this process much more manageable.

Productivity Challenge Timer

If you love breaks and thrive on the Pomodoro time management system, the Productivity Challenge Timer is for you! It breaks your work sessions into smaller chunks of time and reminds you to take a 5-minute break every 20 minutes. It also cues you when the break is over and tracks the total time on each project.


This one’s just for Android users at the moment. However, timesheet does more than track your time on different projects. You can also break the time into daily, weekly, and monthly totals for each project or client. Even better, you can assign rates to each client or project to quickly and easily see how much money you’ve made.

If you’ve got contractors working for you, you may also need to get an accurate picture of their time. With the right apps, tracking their time and paying them appropriately – even if they’re off-site, is easy.


If you’re already using Quickbooks for your accounting system, their add-ons like TSheets and BillQuick integrate seamlessly. Employees and contractors can log in from anywhere to enter their time and submit timesheets. And if you’re not sure their hours are accurate, you can use the GPS feature to locate them in a snap.

Get a handle on your time management and that of your contractors with some simple apps. You’ll be glad you did!

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