How to Make Your Commute More Productive

How to Make Your Commute More Productive

I’m on the road a lot. My vehicle is my mobile office, and it’s set up for voice recognition and voice-activated work. I’ve accomplished a lot of business while sitting in traffic and traveling to & from various clients’ homes and appointments.

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My time is very limited, but I still felt as if I were breaking the rules by using an app to read for me. I couldn’t keep up with books I needed to read relevant to my profession or books I wanted to read. Another dilemma I was having was the Audible price. I was always under the impression it was super expensive, so I started investigating, and here is what I found.

Audible Premium offers a 30-day free trial, a free book that was mine to keep whether I continued the subscription, Audible Originals (more about those in a bit), and access to podcasts, including exclusive series.

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Audible Free Trial and Book Purchases

Signing up for the free trial is easy! Choose your plan, and fill in a few fields. One of the books I was interested in was The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness by Morgan Housel. With Audible Premium Plus,  You’ll get a monthly credit to buy any title in their premium selection, regardless of price. And because I’m a Prime Member, I get two credits; I chose Audible Premium Plus – 2 Credits which (includes the Plus Catalog + 2 credits per month for any premium selection titles).

If you find yourself wanting to read more than one book a month, you’re able to purchase more credits. Alternatively, if you choose not to use a credit, it can be carried over to the next month. In addition, audible offers the ability to roll over unused credits from the previous month or year. The number of allowable credits to roll over depends on what membership plan you are enrolled in:

  • Credits can be kept for a year before they expire as long as your membership is active
  • *Note: Credits received from an Audible iOS app membership or an Audible Google Play membership do not expire and will remain in your account after cancellation. Extra credits purchased in the iOS and Google Play apps do not expire either.
  • With Premium Plus membership, you’ll get all kinds of amazing deals and perks—including a 30% discount on additional audiobook purchases, as well as 2 for 1

Returns & Exchanges

You can easily return or exchange a book with Audible’s risk-free policy as long as it’s within one year of the original purchase. This benefit allows you to search out and discover new authors or topics without losing credit, but Audible will contact you to determine excess abuse if overused.

young woman headphones and dog with tablet on bed

Whispersync, I love this!

Whispersync will automatically sync my books across all my devices to the furthest place I’ve listened to or read as long as I have a wireless connection. So I can now seamlessly go from my car to my office to my couch and not lose my place in the book. Side note: this can be expensive, so consider your budget before purchasing.

Alexa and Audible

Alexa and Audible are great mates! With Alexa, you can listen to all your Audible books, music and podcasts thanks to Amazon’s Alexa app you can easily view all your titles and control the playback. Just be sure your Audible and Amazon accounts are connected.

Audible Originals

As I mentioned, the Audible free trial comes with Audible Originals. Audible Originals are produced by Audible with listeners in mind. Readers are celebrated voice celebrities from many fields, including journalism, theater, comedy, etc. They typically run from one to four hours.

When you sign up for the plus membership, you also get access to Audible Originals, audiobooks, and podcasts, including exclusive series, which are among the thousands of items available in the Plus Catalog and can be streamed or downloaded for offline listening. It is a smart way to explore new topics.

I genuinely love making Audible a part of my many hours in the car, and I think you will too!

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