Personal Finance

Beyond Mint: Top Apps for Smart Financial Planning

As we approach January 1, 2024, the personal finance landscape is undergoing a significant shift with the closure of Mint, a popular budgeting tool. For many, Mint has been a cornerstone in managing personal finances, but its transition to Credit Karma may not align with everyone's budgeting needs. In this guide, we'll explore alternative budgeting apps with robust features to keep your financial health in check. Plus, we'll walk you through the steps to transfer your financial data from…

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The Ultimate Discount Guide: Savings for Those 50 and Over

Growing older comes with wisdom, experience, and something even more delightful: discounts! These special savings are available to individuals aged 50 and over and can significantly reduce expenses on everyday items and experiences. From retail shopping to dining out, travel, and even exclusive AARP offers, these discounts are a fantastic way to enjoy more for less. Whether you're an adult child assisting your parents, or someone looking to make the most of life after 50, this discount guide is…

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The Importance of Teaching Financial Literacy in High School

Financial literacy is a crucial skill that everyone should possess in order to manage their finances effectively. Unfortunately, it's not always taught in schools, which can leave young adults ill-equipped to handle their finances in the real world. Did you know that only 26 states require high school students to take a course in personal finance? Next Gen Personal Finance is on a mission to change that by 2030! Let's explore the benefits of teaching financial literacy in high…

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8 Ways to Be Money Smart

Managing money is an essential life skill that can lead to financial freedom and stability. Being money smart means knowing how to make the most of your financial resources, whether you're on a tight budget or have a comfortable income. Here are eight ways to be money smart that you can start implementing today. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something we have recommended.…

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Budgeting for the Holidays

For many families, holiday spending represents a large amount of money. In some cases, credit cards get maxed out, and they spend the following year paying for splurging during the holidays. While it feels great to buy the hottest gifts, host parties, and spend money to see your loved ones, it can be accomplished without blowing up your budget. Keep reading for our best tips on budgeting for the holidays. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means…

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