Personal Finance

Take Control of Your Financial Future

What are some effective strategies for investing my income? How can I maximize the benefits from my Social Security as I approach retirement? What targets should I set to reach my objectives? Hiring a Daily Money Manager can provide solutions to these questions and streamline the handling of your finances. Continue reading to discover the advantages of enlisting the services of a Daily Money Manager!  It's never too late to start If you have yet to be as diligent…

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13 Ways to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

Protect Yourself: Effective Steps to Prevent Identity Theft You've heard horror stories about identity theft destroying people's credit or worse. Although such crimes are so common, there are ways to protect yourself—and that doesn't mean hiding your money under the mattress or making all purchases in cash. Try these highly effective steps instead. 1. Protect Your Social Security Number from Identity Theft Do not carry your social security card with you. The only time you should have to show…

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Business Expense Tracking Software

This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that we have recommended. This commission comes at no additional cost to you but will help us keep this site up and running and ad-free! Thank you for all the support. You’re under no obligation to purchase anything and should only do so if the product will suit your needs. Small business owners and solopreneurs have a unique…

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Rules of Thumb to Manage Your Money

Although not hard and fast, rules of thumb can be quite helpful in making decisions and achieving goals. You may have rules of thumb for finding a job or going to the grocery store. How about financial rules of thumb? These will help you manage your money and reach your financial goals. Basics If you’re the type of person who spends money as soon as it comes in, you’ll benefit from this one. Pay yourself first! This means as…

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Money Wasters You Can Cut from Your Budget

There’s always a lot of focus on ways to save money, stretch your budget, etc. But what about things you’re spending money on that you could allocate more effectively elsewhere? Not surprisingly, there’s some commonalities for most people’s biggest money wasters. How many of these are part of your current spending habits? Dining Out According to a calculation on, making oatmeal for breakfast at home 3 days a week for a year costs about $25. Buying that same…

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