11 Apps Every College Student Needs

11 Apps Every College Student Needs

College life requires lots of juggling. Time management, note-taking, studying, etc. Thankfully, for the modern college student, there’s an app for that! Check out our favorite apps for college students below.

Time Management Apps for College Students

My Study Life

This free app makes it easy to manage your class schedule, assignments, and other tasks. The calendar was designed with your need to track weekly and bi-weekly schedules in mind. It’s available as a web app as well as on iOS and Android.

4 Effective Keys to Time Management 

Google Calendar

Many colleges offer their own calendar, which you can import directly into Google Calendar. You can also set up shared calendars to collaborate with fellow students or share your schedule with your roommate.


Both free and premium versions of this app offer calendar integration and natural language input. Use it to track task lists, meetups, reading lists, and other to-do items. Upgrade to premium and collaborate with your classmates and friends.

Technology for Time Management

A woman sitting in a wooden chair looking at her phone.

Note Taking Apps


This one is perfect for visual learners. If staring at notebook pages full of notes leaves you feeling more confused, creating a map of complex subjects can help. It’s a web-based service, which you can try for free. If you like it, the premium subscription is just $2.49/month, affordable for college students.


Grab your iPad and Apple Pencil for this one. This $7.99 app does a lot more than Apple Notes. In addition to entering your handwritten notes in digital format, GoodNotes5 has built-in organization, so you can have different notebooks for each class. You can also have different backgrounds for different types of notes, and handwriting OCR is built-in.

Adobe Scan

Taking a picture of a friend’s notes or something your professor wrote on the whiteboard is helpful, but only to a point. Frequently, those pictures are lost among the images of friends and campus life. With Adobe Scan, you can take the important text right out of the photo and add it to your notes.

Get Organized with ClickUp


This free app is all about making connections, but not the social kind! Each note can be broken down into blocks and linked to other note blocks. This helps you see how topics connect across class sessions and the entire semester.


Full disclosure, we use the paid version of Evernote here at TrueAssisting. We love it because you can take notes in many formats, such as audio recordings, photos, handwriting scribbles, attachments, and reminders. There are also many ways to organize the notes you take. And you can easily link and share notes as well.

Best Etsy Shops for Creative Organization

Studying Apps


While smartphones can be a great tool for studying, they also hold many distractions. Use forest to help you stay on track. Inside the app, you set a study timer and plant a seed. Then set your phone aside. If you don’t use it, your tree will grow. If you allow yourself to be distracted by the siren’s call of social media and pick it up, the tree dies. Users can earn credits by not using their cell phones and plant real trees around the world with the credits.”

Google Workspace

There’s a good chance your college is using Google Workspace. This makes it easy to submit your work online. While Workspace is browser-based, you can still use the apps (Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides) to review, share, and edit documents.


Flashcards can be a great way to memorize information for a test. This crowdsourced app makes it easy to create flashcards on your smartphone. If your classmates are using it, too, Quizlet also lets you import flashcard decks made by other students. You’ll learn what you need and save trees in the process!

 Manage Your Time with Awesome Apps

Do you have other apps that help you navigate college life? Let us know your favorites in the comments!

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