Helping Seniors Live Independently

Many seniors prefer to remain in their homes and maintain independence as they age. With the proper support, seniors can live comfortably at home for a long time. Try these tips for helping seniors live independently. How a Daily Money Manager Helps Seniors Live Independently A Daily Money Manager (DMM) can assist seniors in managing their finances, including tasks such as paying bills, managing bank accounts, budgeting, and keeping records.  Daily Money Managers also work with other professionals, such…

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Organizing Your Life Documents: A Guide to Keeping Important Information in Order

  • Post category:Organizing
  • Post last modified:October 29, 2024

Life documents, such as medical records, legal documents, financial documents, and insurance information, contain crucial details about your life that may be needed in various situations. It's important to keep these documents organized and up to date to ensure easy access when needed. In this article, we will discuss the different types of life documents and provide tips on organizing your life documents. Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission if you…

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Helping Seniors Prep for Tax Season

As a daily money manager, January and February are dedicated to gathering and organizing tax documents for my clients. So, if you're helping a senior in your life prep for tax season, here's what you need to know. Watch the Mail for Tax Documents During January and February, important tax-related documents will arrive in the mail. While you may be able to set mail aside to deal with later during most of the year, the first two months of…

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5 Times You Should Review Your Financial Plan

Life changes. You change jobs, move, get married/divorced, have kids, etc. As a result, your financial plan should change with you. To ensure it does, review it in at least these five situations. At Least Yearly, Ongoing At a minimum, you should review your financial plan yearly. Even if you ignore it during these other suggested times, reviewing it annually means you’ll catch any significant changes that need to be included. This helps ensure the data you’re working with…

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8 Blog Posts to Organize Your Life

Whether you’re looking to organize your time, finances, or space, we’ve got you covered! Check out eight of our top blog posts to help you organize your life. Organize Your Time We all have the same amount of time in a day but for most of us, it never seems like there's enough of it. Make the most of your time by organizing and scheduling it with a planner! Maybe you’ve used one before but didn’t find it helpful,…

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