Resources to Simplify Your Life

Resources to Simplify Your Life

How many activities and responsibilities do you manage in a day? Whether you’re running a business, juggling family priorities, or both, tools and resources help simplify daily life. As a daily money management and organization professional, True Assisting proudly offers these resources to simplify your life. Many of them we use ourselves. And we’ve included some book suggestions, too. We love books!

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General Organization

Countless things must be organized from inside your home to your yard and garden. With some of them, timing matters. Check out these cheat sheets to help you figure it all out – you can even make your own cheat sheets for just about anything! They have 6,000 cheat sheets already built. You can decide what to plant or harvest and when or figure out what the alphabet soup your child just texted you means.



Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World

Time Management/Productivity

There are a million and one ways to get distracted. First, learn your work habits and how to amp up your productivity. Then, check out different plan options and sign up for the one that’s best for you.

Consumer Protection

Competition is good for business – and every consumer wants to be treated fairly – that’s where the FTC comes in. Their resources are 100% FREE and help keep your business and identity safe. Get consumer protection info here if you think you’ve been the victim of a scam.

Don’t leave your accounts vulnerable to hackers. Learn how to protect your passwords and, with them, your identity. If you’ve had your identity stolen, here’s what to expect in trying to recover. Also, don’t forget to monitor your credit with periodic free credit reports.


Seniors may not have the same things keeping them busy as they did before they retired, but that doesn’t mean they’re not busy. On the contrary, many unique areas of their lives also need organization.

Digital Estate Planning

Estate planning in today’s world needs to include digital assets as well as tangible assets. Email accounts, social media, and other accounts must be handled properly. Learn about digital estate planning. Software such as Everplans and Trust & Will assist with digital estate planning and discussing these topics with family. For planning that includes additional details such as living wills, DNR documents, or guardianship, Take The Quiz.

Medicare and Other Health Benefits

With retirement comes access to health benefits not generally available to the younger generations. This is a wonderful perk, but Medicare can also be challenging to navigate. Check out these resources to determine how much you can expect to pay, who pays for what, and when. If you’re a veteran, there are other benefits you can access, as well. Be sure to take advantage of any program you can.


Caring for aging parents involves juggling many details. Between managing your family’s needs and busy schedules, taking care of your work responsibilities, and taking care of your home, it can feel incredibly overwhelming. Make it easier on yourself with a variety of resources.

Caretakers also need to feel they can leave for a few hours without worry. By setting up Alexa’s Ask My Buddy for your loved ones, you can! This easy-to-use Alexa Skill is voice-activated from anywhere in the home and quickly contacts you if the person in your care requests it. Think of the famous medical alert buttons with the line “I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up.” Those were a huge help. Ask My Buddy is the next level, as no button pushing is required.

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