5 Budgeting Apps to Keep You on Track

5 Budgeting Apps to Keep You on Track

Creating and living within a reasonable budget is important at any time. During the current economic state, it’s even more critical. 

In the past, budgeting meant using spreadsheets and formulas. If you weren’t wired to love that stuff, you could get a headache pretty quickly and thus decide to give up.

Today, there are apps to help you with every aspect of budgeting and living within your means. Below are some of our favorites.

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Empower (formerly Personal Capital)

You can use the basic version on your Android or iOS device completely free. More than two million people use this app to understand their financial habits, analyze the fees associated with their retirement plans, and get personalized suggestions for allocating their assets. Try it here.

You Need a Budget (YNAB) 

One of the easiest and most popular budgeting apps, YNAB, is available on the web, Android, and iOS. It teaches you the four rules of budgeting, helps you design a budget, and stick to it. The report of where your money is going is easy to understand, even if you’re not a spreadsheets and graphs person.  YNAB is free for college students (one year). 

Mom working on laptop with baby

Money Patrol

In addition to helping manage your finances, Money Patrol monitors your upcoming bills and recurring charges. You can track your student loans, personal and business accounts, investments, mortgages, car loans, and more! Free to try for 15 days.

Simplify by Quicken

If you’re looking for a straightforward, user-friendly tool for budgeting, expense tracking, and basic investment monitoring, Simplify by Quicken is for you. Available on the web and in a mobile app, you can track your accounts and spending as well as use the information to plan your budget.

Rocket Money

Rocket Money is a powerful budgeting app that helps users easily manage their personal finances. With its user-friendly interface, Rocket Money simplifies the budgeting process by allowing users to create budgets, track expenses, and set financial goals in one place. Rocket Money helps clients manage bills and subscriptions and cancel recurring charges. It also offers credit score checks, account alerts, financial monitoring, and more! Users can also sync their accounts, track bills, and receive alerts, making it a comprehensive tool for managing money. Rocket Money empowers users to take control of their finances, save money, and make informed financial decisions, all while on the go.

Which of these fabulous ways to get control of your budget will check out?

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