Retirement Planning and Long-Term Care

Retirement planning requires a lot of educated guessing in terms of how long you’ll live and at what age you’ll stop working. In general, people can expect to live at least 20 years post-retirement at age 65. Lifestyle, family history, and overall health are factors to consider. Long-Term Care Costs What hasn’t been factored in until recently, is the cost of any long-term care that might be needed. This is a much harder item to pin down. However, one…

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Take Control of Your Financial Future

What are some effective strategies for investing my income? How can I maximize the benefits from my Social Security as I approach retirement? What targets should I set to reach my objectives? Hiring a Daily Money Manager can provide solutions to these questions and streamline the handling of your finances. Continue reading to discover the advantages of enlisting the services of a Daily Money Manager!  It's never too late to start If you have yet to be as diligent…

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