Our 12 Best Blogs from 2021

We covered many helpful topics from organizing to finances to gift-giving in 2021! Our best blogs from 2021 will also help you get organized and level up in 2022. Check them out below and tell us which one you found the most helpful. Organization Blogs Organize your mind The best organization starts in your head. By organizing your mind, you’re well on the way to organizing your space and the rest of your life. Get started today! Using a…

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5 Times You Should Review Your Financial Plan

Life changes. You change jobs, move, get married/divorced, have kids, etc. As a result, your financial plan should change with you. To ensure it does, review it in at least these five situations. At Least Yearly, Ongoing At a minimum, you should review your financial plan yearly. Even if you ignore it during these other suggested times, reviewing it annually means you’ll catch any significant changes that need to be included. This helps ensure the data you’re working with…

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8 Blog Posts to Organize Your Life

Whether you’re looking to organize your time, finances, or space, we’ve got you covered! Check out eight of our top blog posts to help you organize your life. Organize Your Time We all have the same amount of time in a day but for most of us, it never seems like there's enough of it. Make the most of your time by organizing and scheduling it with a planner! Maybe you’ve used one before but didn’t find it helpful,…

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Consumer Protection for Armed Forces

The demands and sacrifices of the armed forces place unique financial challenges on military members, veterans, and their families. As a result, July has been designated Military Consumer Protection Month. Military Consumer Protection refers to the set of laws, regulations, and initiatives that aim to protect military service members and their families from unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices by businesses and financial institutions. Resources for consumers to help ensure you're safe from scams and fraud. The Need for Consumer…

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10 Small Changes to Start Saving Money Today

Feel like you're burning through cash like wildfire? You're not alone. According to a survey by Ladder, the average American spends almost $1500 per month on non-essential items. That's $18,000 per year! The good news is it makes it easy to cut back if you need to get out of debt or focus on saving, all of which are key elements of financial literacy. So check out the ten small changes to start saving money. Disclosure: This post may…

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