Helping Seniors Live Independently

Many seniors prefer to remain in their homes and maintain independence as they age. With the proper support, seniors can live comfortably at home for a long time. Try these tips for helping seniors live independently. How a Daily Money Manager Helps Seniors Live Independently A Daily Money Manager (DMM) can assist seniors in managing their finances, including tasks such as paying bills, managing bank accounts, budgeting, and keeping records.  Daily Money Managers also work with other professionals, such…

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9 Ways to Live Independently Longer

According to a survey by AARP, ¾ of adults want to remain in their homes as they age, but only 59% believe they’ll be able to do so. If you’re part of both of those groups, these tips will help you live independently, in your own home, longer. Stay Mentally Active Brain-stimulating games help preserve mental function. Just like your muscles need a workout, so does your brain. Crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and similar games are great ways to engage your…

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