7 Financial To-Dos This December

As the end of the year approaches, it’s time to ensure your finances are in good order and set yourself up for success in the coming year. These seven financial to-dos should be on your list. Review Your Auto Insurance Coverage Most people stay with the same insurer year after year. Particularly if they combine it with home or other insurances for a promoted discount; however, if you haven’t shopped for auto insurance in the past three years, you…

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Declutter and Donate

Have you been decluttering and organizing this spring? Great job! You can donate used but still usable items to local charities. Some will even pick up your items, including furniture! Be sure to label them appropriately and follow any guidelines you’re given by the donee. Donate to Goodwill One of the most common thrift stores in the US, Goodwill resells items while investing in the local community and helping people find jobs. Many will pick up larger items or…

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