Benefits of Shopping Secondhand

Secondhand Wardrobe Day is observed every August 25th. In addition to saving money, buying secondhand clothing saves the Earth's resources. Rather than filling up landfills, secondhand clothing is cheaper, lasts longer, and is already "preshrunk to fit," so you know exactly what you're getting.  Another day to observe is April 24th, Fashion Revolution Day, and Fashion Revolution Week, which occurs annually during the week of April 24th, the anniversary of the Bangladesh Rana Plaza disaster. The Rana Plaza complex…

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8 Blog Posts to Organize Your Life

Whether you’re looking to organize your time, finances, or space, we’ve got you covered! Check out eight of our top blog posts to help you organize your life. Organize Your Time Planners are a great way to organize your time! Maybe you’ve used one before but didn’t find it helpful, or maybe you’ve never tried one. Either way, we’ve got blog posts that will help you successfully use a planner and maximize your time. 6 Reasons You Need a…

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Declutter and Donate

Have you been decluttering and organizing this spring? Great job! You can donate used but still usable items to local charities. Some will even pick up your items, including furniture! Be sure to label them appropriately and follow any guidelines you’re given by the donee. Donate to Goodwill One of the most common thrift stores in the US, Goodwill resells items while investing in the local community and helping people find jobs. Many will pick up larger items or…

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Use Spring Cleaning to Get Yourself Organized for the Entire Year

Spring cleaning isn't just about deep cleaning your home or decluttering your space; it's also an opportunity to get organized for the entire year. By taking advantage of this yearly ritual, you can set yourself up for success by creating a more organized and efficient lifestyle. Below, we'll explore some tips and tricks to help you use spring cleaning to organize yourself for the entire year. Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a…

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What a Professional Organizer Does (and Why You Need One)

If you're like most people, the term "professional organizer" might conjure images of Marie Kondo and Netflix reality shows. However, the role of a professional organizer goes far beyond folding clothes in a specific way. They're experts in understanding the psychology of clutter and setting up systems that can keep you organized for years. When to Hire a Professional Organizer Life is full of changes—marriage, divorce, a new baby, changing seasons, or even becoming an empty nester. These transitions…

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