Ladies, Take Back Your Life with Great Podcasts

Ladies, Take Back Your Life with Great Podcasts

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Podcasts are all the rage these days and for a good reason. Not only can anyone have their say, but the on-air personalities also bring fresh perspective and insight to a variety of topics. As we continue looking at ways to reduce stress and get back to being happy and grounded, podcasts are an important tool.

These women-run podcasts cover the gamut of topics, but all serve to remind us that strong, powerful women do have a place in the world and that we all struggle with the same issues of balancing career, family, and personal needs. Many will also make you laugh, which is a great stress reliever.

Call Your Girlfriend

What do you do when you’ve had a bad day (or a good one, for that matter?) You call your bestie, right? Call Your Girlfriend is hosted by two bffs living on opposite coasts. They talk about everything you’d chat with your girlfriend about. Tune in to be a fly on the wall for their long-distance chats and a lot of laughs.

Girls Rule

If you’re into politics and women in power, Girls Rule is for you. Each episode features a different woman in power. Learn how they got there and what challenges they still face. You might be surprised at how much it sounds like your life!

Forever 35

Let’s face it; real life is tough. There are all sorts of topics that no one discusses, yet as women, we deal with daily. Everything for anxiety to trauma and self-care (or lack of it.) Even cancer and other diseases. If you’re ready to dive into these once-taboo areas, check out Forever 35.

Stuff Mom Never Told You

Sex, sexual harassment, catcalling, and much more. You may chat with your bestie about this stuff – or you might not. Stuff Mom Never Told You takes these important topics out of the closet and puts them front and center.

Terrible, Thanks For Asking

How many times do you wish you could say that when someone asks, “how are you?” On Terrible, Thanks for Asking, people do! It’s an honest look at pain, grief, and the struggles that connect us as humans. If you’re ever feeling alone, this is the place to go.


Hey, girls can be nerds, too – and proud of it. Tune in to Nerdette to get down and dirty about all things happening in real life with a bunch of other lady nerds.

The History Chicks

If your education was anything like mine, you learned all about men and what they contributed and very little about women. That doesn’t mean women didn’t make significant contributions, though! Get the full story on The History Chicks.

Moms Got This

If you’re a mom, you know you have to pretend at least to be in charge and in control all the time. It can be exhausting! Lighten up as you hear tales from moms in the same boat on Moms Got This.

Death, Sex, and Money

Tough topics and ones that are often left out of the conversation – even with your BFF. If you need to dive into any of these areas, this woman-hosted podcast is for you.

BONUS: Books

If books are more your thing, I’ve got two to help you get back to your happy place.

Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics: A 10% Happier How-to Book

Rushing Woman’s Syndrome: The Impact of a Never-Ending To-Do List and How to Stay Healthy in Today’s Busy World