How a Personal Assistant Can Help with Your Finances

How a Personal Assistant Can Help with Your Finances

You’ve indeed got it all. Great family, adorable kids and a career you’ve worked hard for, perhaps one that takes you out of town with some regularity. You’ve finally achieved the success you’ve been looking for, and you couldn’t be prouder if a bit pressed for time and a bit stressed. Sometimes you wish you had an “elf” (aka a personal assistant) to help with it all.

And then you get the call; your aging parents need help. After all, they’ve done to help you; you want to help them too, and now some of your organization and financial management tasks are slipping. You need to manage their finances and yours. A personal assistant can help relieve you of that stress point. In doing so, your parents may be able to stay in their homes rather than giving up their independence.



Taking care of your ailing parents means managing your budget and theirs. A personal assistant, like me, will work with you to come up with a budget that works for your new household. I’ll show you where you can cut back to make other things fit. I’ll also work in conjunction with financial and estate planners to come up with longer-term savings plans that make sense for you and your parents.



Part of sticking to a budget is keeping track of expenses and income. Maybe you used to be diligent about balancing your checkbook, but you’ve been so busy with your added responsibilities that you’ve not done it in a while. Take a deep breath! This is another way a personal assistant can help you stay on top of your finances. And we’ll do the same for your parents’ expenses too!



It’s likely your elderly parents are receiving social security checks or other payments. Social Security constituted 90% or more of the income earned by 35% of beneficiaries in 2013. It’s possible that they don’t use direct deposit or online banking. And you don’t always have time to take them to the bank. Don’t worry! As a personal assistant, I can run those checks to the bank on their behalf or set up direct deposit. Now, everyone’s happy.

I bet just reading these ways a personal assistant can help you regain control of your finances and help with your aging parents have you breathing easier. Make a few notes about your most significant stress points and then contact me to get started on your way to less stress and more organized finances. You’ll be glad you did!

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