9 Tips for Creating a Sustainable Home Maintenance Schedule From Our Partner, Homezada

9 Tips for Creating a Sustainable Home Maintenance Schedule From Our Partner, Homezada
  • Post category:Organizing
  • Post last modified:July 9, 2024

In January, it’s important to get your home in order by creating a home maintenance schedule. This will help you plan for upcoming projects, stay on top of necessary repairs, and avoid overspending. Use these 9 tips for creating a sustainable home maintenance schedule from our partner, Homezada, and keep your home running smoothly.

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Our partner, HomeZada, offers a mobile app that makes setting up a home inventory easy. Premium users can also track home maintenance and finances in the app!

Homezada App Dashboard

Taking Practical Action

  • Make a comprehensive checklist: Start by creating a list of all the tasks that need to be completed to maintain your home. It can be helpful to do this with a partner or friend to divide the workload and make the process less daunting. Next, aim to set goals for a year’s worth of tasks.
  • Develop a schedule: Once you have your checklist, assign tasks to different categories, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or seasonal. Then, add these tasks to a calendar, whether it be a paper or digital version. Try to distribute home maintenance tasks evenly across each month to avoid having a hectic month followed by a slow one.
  • Set reminders: To make sure you’re actually completing the tasks on your schedule, set reminders at the beginning of each month. Remember to add any tasks that may require outsourcing to your schedule as well.

HomeZada’s AI Home Inventory: A Game Changer

Scheduling Regular Home Maintenance

  • Consider hiring out for specific services: While taking care of smaller tasks yourself is important, some services are worth paying for. For example, consider hiring professionals to service your furnace and air conditioner. Cleaning your gutters and air ducts and conducting a home audit to identify any potential issues are valuable services.
  • Change your air filter regularly: Make sure to change the air filter in your furnace every two to three months to ensure good air quality and reduce energy costs.
  • Get a home audit: Even if you’re not planning on selling your home in the near future, investing in a home audit can be beneficial. A professional can identify problems you may not have noticed and allow you to address them before they become more costly to fix.
  • Pay for routine services: While smaller tasks like dishwashing may seem never-ending, paying for routine home maintenance services like gutter cleaning can save you time and energy in the long run.

cleaning leaves out of gutters

Keep the Momentum Going

  • Create a budget for home maintenance: Determine how much you’re willing to spend on home maintenance each year. Then, create a budget accordingly. This will help you prioritize tasks and make sure you’re not overspending.
  • Keep track of your progress: As you complete tasks on your home maintenance schedule, keep track of your progress. This will help you stay organized and on top of your to-do list. It can also be helpful to review your schedule and update it as needed to ensure you stay on track.

Use the HomeZada app to track the value of your assets, create a budget, and stay on top of your home’s equity and market value. This data can help you make informed financial decisions as a homeowner. So, it’s no surprise that the app won the Wells Fargo Innovation Challenge. It is also loved by us at True Assisting. Have you tried it out yet? Let us know your thoughts.

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