How to Replace Vital Documents

Maybe you've not always been very organized. Maybe documents got lost in a move or fire. Whatever the reason, if you find yourself needing to replace vital documents such as a birth certificate or passport, don't despair! It can be done. Social Security Card Often, providing your social security number is sufficient, but there are times when you may still have to show the actual card. When starting a new job, registering for college classes, or applying for Medicaid,…

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Never Get Rid of These 7 Things

With spring (and spring cleaning) fast approaching, it’s tempting to purge a lot of stuff. While purging and focusing only on that which brings you joy (like Marie Kondo suggests), it’s important also to take a step back and focus on what you should keep. Certain items may feel like clutter but are actually important to make space for. 1. Photos While many of these may already be digitized, you’ve likely got albums or boxes full of old photos…

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