The Truth About Work Breaks

​Many of us feel like our days are back to back workflow with no “white space” on the calendar for breaks. On the surface, this can feel like we’re getting a lot done, but in truth, scheduling days like this are counter-productive. Breaks allow our brains the chance to refocus and refresh, which boosts productivity. So the question is, how much or how often should you take a break? Timed Work Breaks The science shows it’s not about how…

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Make Shopping and Restocking Part of Your Spring Cleaning

Are you as excited about the warmer weather as I am? I love that I can have the windows open for at least part of the day! Warmer weather also means spring cleaning. Shopping and restocking are a part of that process, as we've looked at in other posts. The shopping and restocking process can be easier, with fewer trips and with a few simple tips to help you get it done efficiently. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which…

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