Starting a Gratitude Journal

  • Post category:Uncategorized
  • Post last modified:November 27, 2024

Starting a Gratitude Journal: Your Path to Daily Gratitude If you've ever kept a diary, you'll probably enjoy keeping a gratitude journal. Instead of recording your innermost thoughts or secrets, you'll record daily reasons for gratitude. Maybe a favorite quote about gratitude or something that happened to you - big or small. Getting started is simple! Just follow these steps to create a gratitude journal of your very own. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we…

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Benefits of Journaling for Seniors and Adults

Do you keep a journal? It turns out that journaling is beneficial for everyone, not just lovelorn teens and struggling writers. Journaling can be particularly beneficial for seniors and adults.  Boosts Communication and Writing Skills Keeping a journal forces you to organize your thoughts, which can help with both written and oral communication. It may also increase your vocabulary and improve your voice. Reading for All Ages with Book Recommendations Improves Physical Health Journaling is an expressive form of…

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