American Cancer Society Caregiver’s Page

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  • Post last modified:January 4, 2024

A cancer diagnosis affects close friends and family too. Find out what to expect if you become a caregiver for a person with cancer, and get tips for making sure that you take care of yourself as well. Resources available include information and support on How to Care for Someone with Cancer, Taking Care of Yourself as a Caregiver, How to Be Supportive to Someone with Cancer, When Your Child has Cancer, and a list of American Cancer Society Support Services and Programs for families who are managing cancer.

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National Cancer Institute

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  • Post last modified:January 4, 2024

Family caregivers may be spouses, partners, children, relatives, or friends who help the patient with activities of daily living and health care needs at home. Many cancer patients today receive part of their care at home. Hospital stays are shorter than they used to be, and there are now more treatments that don't need an overnight hospital stay or can be given outside of the hospital. People with cancer are living longer and many patients want to be cared for at home as much as possible. It is important that the family caregiver is a part of the team right from the start. These resources are about adult family caregivers in cancer.

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