Benefits of Hiring a Personal Assistant/Daily Money Manager

Benefits of Hiring a Personal Assistant/Daily Money Manager

Enhance Your Life: Top Benefits of a Personal Assistant & Money Manager

Hiring a personal assistant who’s also a daily money manager can make your life much easier. They help with a variety of tasks.

If one of these scenarios sounds like your situation, you may want to consider hiring one.

  1. You’ve worked hard your whole life, saved and invested wisely, and now it’s time to enjoy life. Instead of spending your days working, you currently spend your days helping others, traveling, and connecting with family and the community. In some ways, you’re busier than you’ve ever been. This means things like organizing your space and dealing with the bills and other small financial details aren’t something you want to focus on anymore.

  2. Or maybe those bank, insurance, and brokerage statements are starting to feel confusing. You know you can pay bills online, but that concept is intimidating, and writing checks is getting more physically challenging.

  3. Perhaps you’re the adult child of someone in one of those above situations and need support. Caring for their needs and your own is overwhelming sometimes, and being able to outsource some of it would be a tremendous help.

  4. Organizing personal schedules and managing household tasks for yourself has become daunting, and time could be better managed.

Guess what? A personal assistant who’s also a daily money manager can help in all of those situations – and many others!

personal assistant desk

What Does a Personal Assistant (PA) Do?

A personal assistant helps with various tasks, including but not limited to calendar and schedule management, travel planning, event planning, and downsizing. For example, a personal assistant’s job could include introducing new technology, showing you how to use it, and helping you get organized. Here are some of the ways a PA can fulfill these responsibilities:

  • Introducing new technology: Researching and recommending new technology that might be beneficial to you. Helping you understand the features and benefits of different devices and software.

  • Mastering New Tech Made Simple: We provide warm, patient guidance on using the latest technology, from smartphones to software. We offer tailored, easy-to-follow instructions and can demonstrate via in-person or remote sessions, ensuring you feel confident and at ease with your new tech tools.

  • Personal assistants may also be responsible for handling personal tasks for their clients, such as running errands, making appointments, and coordinating household services with providers (such as cleaners, landscapers, or contractors).

A personal assistant can be a valuable asset in helping individuals organize their life, save time, reduce stress, and increase productivity.

What Does a Daily Money Manager (DMM) Do?

A Daily Money Manager (DMM) is a professional who provides assistance with financial tasks and helps individuals manage their finances on a day-to-day basis. The specific duties of a DMM can vary depending on the needs and circumstances of the client but typically include the following:

  1. Bill paying and organizing: Daily money managers help their clients stay organized by setting up systems to manage bills, track expenses, and create budgets.

  2. Budgeting: A DMM helps individuals set up and maintain a budget, which can help them keep track of their income and expenses.

  3. Financial paperwork management: A Daily money manager helps clients organize and manage their financial paperwork, such as bank statements, tax documents, insurance forms, and receipts.

  4. Bank account management: DMMs help clients manage their bank accounts, including making deposits, balancing checkbooks, and reconciling statements.

  5. Financial advocacy: Daily money managers act as advocates for their clients, helping them negotiate with creditors or lenders, resolve billing disputes, and file insurance claims.

daily money manager

Daily money managers provide a wide range of financial management services that help their clients manage their day-to-day finances and financial paperwork and advocate on their client’s behalf when necessary.

If the daily tasks of planning, scheduling, or money management are burdens you’d like to outsource to someone with more expertise and time, hiring a personal assistant who’s also a daily money manager is a perfect choice. Contact us here.

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